Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mixing Kalkwasser

Kalkwasser should be mixed with ro or di water using a powerhead. In a 5 gal bucket place the powerhead on the bottom of the bucket take a piece of airline or sufficient length to go from the bucket into the sump, and attach a weight to it to hold it 3/4 " above the bottom of the bucket. Fill with water, turn the power head on, add 5 heaping teaspoons of kalk, mix for approximately 4 – 5 hours, unplug the power head, let the mix sit for 4-5 hours, then drip into the sump near the intake of the skimmer.

The best time to add the mix is in the AM this is when the pH is lowest although adding late at night is acceptable as well. A convenient schedule is begin mixing around 7-8 pm end before bed and add first thing in the am

Simplified Reefkeeping