I noticed you asking about what to feed your anemones... I would highly advise this home made food It is a recipe from Dr. Sanjay J.... and he is allowing me to include it in my new vers below is a rough draft of the text give it a try Its great stuff. I did some feeding with frozen food but this has it hands down!
Homemade food recipe. One of the best food sources for your tank can be home made and when you try this I doubt if you will go back to any other type of food. The fish and corals absolutely love this. It is very inexpensive to make and for about $10 or so you can make at least a six months supply. Here is how. This recipe comes from Dr. Sanjay Joshi of and is passed on with his permission.
- Go to a oriental food store and buy some nori (seaweed in sheets) unseasoned.
- From your favorite food store buy 1/4 lb. of fresh squid, clams, mussels, fish filleted, scallops, shrimp.
- Put the seafood in a blender and puree adding water to get a consistency of thick soup.
- Then take 2 or 3 sheets of nori cut into one inch strips and add to the blender, add more water to maintain the thick soup consistency.
- Then simply put about 3 tablespoons into a small sandwich bag, repeat until you use all the mix, double bag the excesses and freeze. when you want to feed break off one third of the bag defrost slightly then add it to the tank.
makes a nice dispenser just add the mix to the holder and swish. The stuff is great.. now why didn't I
think of that? Also nori is a good food for herbivores by itself and if you want to get fancy add a product called selcon. A vitamin mix for fish.
Simplified Reefkeeping