Friday, March 16, 2012

What is your recommended dosage for Lugols solution?

I would *start* with 1 drop every other day.

Test the water to get the reading you desire, and increase if needed. Usually the recommended dosage is 1 drop per 20 gallon every other day or to achieve a test result of 0.06ppm (the contains of NSW). I would recommend to start slow ... as each tank differs as to demand, skimmer removal and maintenance (water changes).

 I belive one of the drawbacks of lugols is that it is so economical that its tempting to add too much.I have been using it for about 6 months now and works well as a supplement, however I believe that frequent water changes with a good salt will almost eliminate the need for adding iodine, unless of course you have corals that have a high demand.

Simplified Reefkeeping